In the word Su-jok, ‘Su’ means HAND and ‘Jok’ means FEET. The treatment is given on hands and feet. Su-jok therapy is a healing method based on acupressure and is a simple method that produces highly effective results. Through Su-jok, one can diagnose the problem easily by pressing the key points and applying pressure in the right direction. Su-jok is drugless therapy and easy to cure the diseases. We will treat all the disease only through pressure not through any pills or any other forms of drugs.
Sujok aims in balancing the imbalanced energy in the body, cells and organs. The treatment involves a variety of methods seeds, fingers or Sujok Needles. The advanced treatment of sujok involves needles known as Six-Ki treatment which harmonizes physical, emotional and chakra plane. It helps to alleviate pain, treats insomnia, heals injuries and backache. It can give instant relief. It can be useful in managing malignant diseases.
In combination with routine body acupuncture it shows marvellous results. It is beneficial for those people who do not have time for body needling. Needles can be Taken Home and can be removed after the time mentioned by the Therapist. Thus, it exclusively saves their time with equally good results as body acupuncture.