Acu-Point Injection Therapy or Hydro-Acupuncture involves injection of sterile solutions into traditional acupuncture points. The benefit of this therapy includes stronger stimulation to the acupoint with longer lasting results of up to 48 hours as the solution gets absorbed.
Sterile solutions are injected into trigger points, historically called Ashi points in Chinese medicine to relief pain. The procedure is used to treat tender/painful points along the channel/meridian or the tight band/knot along the muscle causing pain and inflammation.
Trigger points/Ashi points are commonly associated with musculoskeletal disorders including neck,low back pain, fibromyalgia, and myofascial pain syndrome
.The goal of the treatment is to inactivate the trigger point, Ashi point/tight muscle band, while simultaneously providing the nutrients and hydration the tissues needed to heal and recover. Several sites may be injected in one visit. After a trigger point injection, the area may be tender.
Acupuncture point injection therapy does not simply suppress pain, but rather prompts the body to treat the cause of the pain via self-healing mechanisms.
It is the best for elderly people who have arthritis and high uric acid. It is also helpful for athletes and runners.